
Showing posts from July, 2016

Dressing Sharp for Winter

Every year at this time the temperature goes down, the winds grow teeth and they start biting, with the change in temperature comes the dying need to get toasty and comfortable ; this brings  with it the change in dress code.      Annually we see them the abominable winter getup's, the gigantic unflattering ski coats, the badly matched outfits: all in the name of keeping warm ! Well, I am here to tell you that you will not be joining the unstylish getup train for you deserve the best of both worlds : being warm and stylish. Layering your clothing Now we have all played with legos, layering clothing is just like that : it's a build up thing, you start off small and end big ; and there are two types of layering .. The casual layering The formal layering   In both the pictures above the models are wearing a three piece layering. Wearing the Right Coat When dressing up in cold weather, the right winter coat is essential .... be it a pea coat, the overcoat, a parka coat or